søndag 29. april 2012

hey guys!!!

hey guys, this is my first post on this blog so dont judge me :) heheehe ....
wel im missty , and im 13 years old and for those who wondering ; no my name isnt missty :)
I already have a norwigan blog that ive been blogin on now for a half year , ups and downs im still bloging :)
my norwigan blog is www.jannesword.blogg.no if you wanna check out picturs and stuff like that ;)

My inspirasion is music , music is so strong for me that i cant explain it!
ive been trough some hard days lately and music really helps me out:)

shorts facts about me :
animals; i had but not now :)
regelion: im a cristian, i belive in Jesus Chirst !
family: im all alone and i have divorced parents but its alright :)
blog: im foing to blogin everything thats fallin me in do stay turned :)

that was lil of me :) xoxox

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